
Financial Donations by Credit Card or PayPal

To make a secure, online donation to Hope Outreach China to help support the underprivileged children of China, please click the donate button below. If you desire to do so, you can designate how you wish your gift of love to be used.


If you are interested in automatic repeated donations, as some people are, please click the “Make this recurring monthly” button

Hope Outreach China is owned and operated by the Next Towns Foundation Inc., a ‘Not For Profit’ organization as recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service under section 501C3. Your donation is tax deductible and you will be mailed a receipt for tax purposes as authorized under section 501C3 of the Internal Revenue Service code.

Financial Donations by Check or Money Order

If you would like to make your donation by check(made out to NTF-Hope Outreach China) or money order, you may do so by sending your check or money order to:

NTF – Hope Outreach China P.O. Box 23139 Belleville, IL 62223

Donating Items or Goods

If you would like to help the underprivileged children with donations of shoes, clothes, toys or medical supplies, please mail items to:

Ben Godard – Hope Outreach China QingHeDaDao ZhongDuanDongCe YongFengMingZhu #35-36 Pingyuxian, Zhumadian, Henan, China 463400  清河大道中段东侧永丰明珠35-36 河南省驻马店市平舆县 463400

You must use both the written English and Chinese characters to address the letter or package.

Please also note that using the regular postal service (USPS, China Postal Service, etc.) is the best method of shipping. When using a private shipping company (DHL, Fed Ex, UPS, etc.), the items are held at customs and we are charged large delivery fee’s (over $100.00) and sometimes told to travel over 600 miles to pick the items up ourselves.

If you would like to see our annual reporting of income and how funds are disbursed you can do so by going to the Guide Star website which is a “Non Profit” monitoring and reporting agency. We are listed as “Next Towns Foundation, Inc.” and registered in San Antonio, Texas. You can also “click this link.

Thank you for your heart and your “desire” to help the underprivileged children here in China.

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